
View this site: https://temparcmusic.com

Temparc Music is a digital music label I run. I started this label in 2016 and have released 4 projects from various artists, as well as my own music.

In 2021, I completely overhauled the website for the label using Laravel. The site now has a completely new design, and custom CMS for superadmins, as well as a private dashboard area where my artists can view their financial statements.

The CMS allows me to control the public front-end of the site without having to deploy code.

Everything on this site is built custom, including an email newsletter list subscriber/manager feature, CSV uploader and parser for financial statements, transactional emails and SMTP integration with MailGun, and many other features.

While this site doesn’t get a ton of traffic and is totally fine running on a small Digital Ocean droplet via a basic LAMP setup, it’s one of the more technical projects I have built to date using Laravel.

I have also made efforts to optimize this site for speed: I am using only basic webfonts, a minimalist design, and SVGs whenever possible. For now the site does not get enough traffic to warrant implementing serious caching, but that may be something I look into in the future.